Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February Events

What's Going On In February!

Feb. 5th PTA Meeting 5:30PM food, 6PM meeting will start (childcare and potluck)  
 Topics:  Progress Reports, Sock Hop, Auction, and More.

Feb 8th OPEN GYM NIGHT 6-8PM (school gym)

Feb. 14th Valentine's Day Sock Hop  5:30-7:30PM (school gym, drop off event)
Feb. 14th Site Council Meeting 4:00PM (all welcome, school library)

 Feb 22nd OPEN GYM NIGHT 6-8PM (school gym)

Feb. 28th Title I Dr. Suess Night 5:30-6:30PM (all students and families welcome)

We hope you will join us!