Saturday, September 15, 2012

About Committee Leadership...

Our vision for this year is this:

  • Teamwork
  • Organization
  • Delegation
  • Commitment
  • Volunteers
  • Accountability
After much thought over the summer, we felt that by putting Committees together, and having a Committee Chair, this would help drive these visions to fruition. We also felt this would allow parents to volunteer their talents where they could, WHEN they could. So often, when the PTA reaches out and asks for time, parents shy away, because they see it being such a huge commitment of time and energy. And let's face it - we are ALL parents, many if not all of us work full time - we get it! We want to do both - but the last thing we want to do is fail and let anyone down! We want to make this work for everyone!

We think that the way we are organizing our committees will help everyone succeed and in the end help the end goal - support our children and our school with success! After all - that is why you joined the PTA in the first place right? We all need to be reminded of that! :)

Here is how a committee will work:

  • There are five committees
  • Within those committees are many activities, events and initiatives that we support throughout the year
  • It is the Chair's responsibility to delegate and recruit additional volunteers to help run, organize, plan each of those ancillary events, activities, or initiatives.
  • It is not the Chair's responsibility to single-handedly run each event, activity, or initiative
  • The committee is a TEAM
  • The Chair is responsible for being accountable to the PTA Board
  • The Chair should be comfortable with delegation, but should also be VERY open to ideas, suggestions, and constructive criticism
  • We want to break down the "army of one" persona and GROW the PTA - so the Chairs should also constantly be working to encourage more volunteer efforts for projects as needed!
If this is something you think you would be interested in, please continue to watch the blog, where we will be breaking down the individual Committees and descriptions and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 18th at 4:00pm!!!

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